Sunday, August 2, 2015

Scotty's top 10 de España

Ahora que mi tiempo en España ya acabó, quiero reflejar de mis memorias favoritas aquí en el país. En un orden alfabético, aquí son mis diez cosas favoritas de mi experiencia con MLSA en España. 

1. Bicicletas en Valencia: Para el último fin de semana en España, mi amiga Nicole y yo fuimos a Valencia para conocerla. Porque la ciudad es muy grande y solo íbamos a pasar una noche allá, alquilamos bicicletas por la tarde y anduvimos por toda la cuidad. Vimos la playa, el parque y la ciudad de artes y ciencias. Mientras nuestra experiencia con paella (ordenamos paella valenciana...sirve SIN mariscos! Puedes imaginarlo???) no era buena, todo lo resto era muy buena!

2. Celestino Ruiz: El director de MLSA y un hombre muy cómico y joven por su actitud, era un gran placer para conocerlo.  Casi siempre llevaba una sonrisa y nos ofrecía consejos de qué debíamos hacer en su país nativo. Muchísimas gracias a Celestino y espero que pueda envidecer con un actitud tan positiva como suya. 

3. Catedral de Toldeo: La primera catedral que visité, no la aprecié tanto que debía porque estaba muy cansado después de llegar en Toledo. Pero, es obvio que esta catedral es una de las mejores en España. 

4. La clase de la literatura como auxiliar el prendizaje de español: Esta clase fue mi favorita porque aprendí muchas estrategias y actividades para utilizar lecturas en una manera diferente en mi clase. Mis estudiantes leen mucho en la clase pero son mini-cuentos, no mucha de la literatura/poesía española. Ahora tengo ganas de implantar más en mi clase. 

5. Encierro de los toros: Por supuesto, mi experiencia con la fiesta más grande del mundo fue muy divertido. Comí mucho, bailé en las calles, vi muchos fuegos divertí muchísimo! Fue una oportunidad de mi vida. 

6. Palacio Real: El Palacio Real de España es un lugar tan maravilloso y lujoso. Es gratis para los profesores y por eso, fui primero con mi esposa y otra vez con mis amigos profesores. Para mí, es divertido a imaginar la vida de la realeza y cómo era para vivir en un sitio como así.

7. Parque de Retiro: Mi cosa favorita de España. Mientras fui a muchos lugares turísticos, mi activad favorita era pasar tiempo leer, hablar con amigos y descansar en el Parque de Retiro. Fui al Parque más o menos una docena de veces mientras en España. 

8. Las playas de Asturias: Barcelona y Valencia tiene una reputación famosa para las playas más bonitas en España pero para mi, la simplicidad de las playas en Asturias son mejores. Durante la excursión, la playa de Perlora fue perfecta después de un viaje largo. 

9. Sagrada Familia: Un día, oí un guía turístico que dijo, "¿Por que yo pagaría dinero para ver una catedral que no va a completar hasta 2026." Pues es obvio...porque aunque todavía está completada, es la mejor catedral en el mundo. Los colores, la arquitectura, el interior, el exterior...toda de esta catedral es una cosa tan especial que mis palabras no pueden hacerle justicia a su magnificencia. 

10. Tapas: En los Estados Unidos, no hay nada como el concepto de tapas. Hay restaurantes que sirven platos pequeños que el restaurante trata de llamar "tapas" pero es una equivocación tan grande y casi insultante a la cultura española. Comí tantas comidas riquísimas que no puedo explicar (ni reprducir)las. 

Gracias a AATSP y MLSA para una experienca que nunca voy a olvidar! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

La aventura a Asturias

Este fin de semana pasado fui a la región al norte de España que se llama Asturias. Al llegar el viernes, fuimos directamente a una playa muy cerca de nuestro hotel. Pasamos un rato y entramos un poco en el mar. Estaba muy frío! Luego, fuimos a cenar en el centro de la ciudad. 

El día siguiente fuimos a los Picos de Europa. Fue maravilloso! Anduvimos un bus para subir las montañas y había muchas vacas en las calles. Nuestro conductor casi las golpeó! Por los picos, había dos lagos muy hermosos. Las vistas eran tan bonitas. 

Después de bajar de las montañas, fuimos a Gijón, una ciudad por la costa con otra playa. Pasamos algunas hora allá pero había un problema......

....las playas se desaparecieron! La marea subió muy rápido y tuvimos que movernos a lugares diferentes muchas veces para que no nos mojáramos! Entonces mientras fue un poco difícil a tomar el sol, todavía nos divertimos mucho. Al bajo es una foto de "la playa" que desaperció cuando las olas subieron. Es el mismo lugar donde saqué la foto de arriba! 

El domingo fuimos al capital de Asturias, Oviedo. Vimos unos edificios muy antiguos y aprendimos más de la historia de la región. 

Ya terminé la tercera sesión de las clases y las ultimas empiezan mañana. Mi tiempo aquí ya casi ha terminado! Este fin voy a otra ciudad por la costa, Valencia. Nos vemos!

This past weekend we went to a northern region of Spain, Asturias. The mountainous countryside was quite a turn of scenery and the trip overall was quite relaxing. When we arrived to our hotel Friday evening, we immediately went to the local beach. It was very small and empty, perfect for a bunch of loud Americans to invade! We stayed until 10 pm (yes it was still light outside) then went to eat dinner in town. All of thr food was surprisingly cheap, another plus compared to some of the expensive restaurants in Madrid. Five of us ate a MOUNTAIN of food for only 10€ each. 

Saturday we went to the Peaks of Europe. After taking a small bus ride up the mountain through cow-crowded roads (none were harmed!), we arrived to the top where two beautiful lakes rest peacefully in seclusion. The views were amazing and the cool mountain air was another nice break from the sweltering Madrid heat. 

We spend Saturday afternoon and early evening in Gijón, a coastal city. We tried to have some consistent beach time but kept having to move our set up multiple times due to the quickly rising tides. The bottom picture is of our initial beach location about 4 hours earlier. Now people were casually swimming in 4 ft deep waters!

Sunday we went to the capital city of the region where we visited two of the oldest buildings in the country. You'll have to forgive my lack of in depth explanation!

I've now finished my third rotation of classes and will start the final rotation tomorrow. It's hard to believe I have less than 10 days left in Spain! This weekend I will venture to another coastal city and the birthplace of paella, Valencia!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Un video de mi tarde en Madrid!

Hola a todos! Hice un video corto de una tarde típica! Espero que disfruten!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Pamplona y los toros!

Fui a Pamplona para el festival de San Fermín (aka The Running of the Bulls)! Cada verano durante el 7-14 de julio, casi toda de España y mucho del mundo viaja a Pamplona para esta gran fiesta. Cada mañana a los 8, el encierro (the running) empieza en las calles de la ciudad y termina aquí en el estadio. 

Como puedes ver, está llenísimo de gente y casi toda llevan ropa blanca con pañuelos y fajas rojos. Después del encierro, mucha gente se queda en el estadio para las vaquillas (smaller cows). Las vaquillas tienen cubiertos en los cuernos y persiguen la gente que se queda (qué loco!). Aquí es una foto de las personas que esperan la entrada de la vaquilla. 

Aquí es un video pero CUIDADO, es un poco difícil para mirar si estás sensitivo a los derechos de animales (just a bit graphic but the bull doesn't get hurt, just a couple people!)

Después de seis vaquillas (y unos heridos), todos salen para celebrar por la calles. 

Cada noche, hay un espectáculo MUY grande de los fuegos artificiales. Es una competencia internacional de fuegos artificiales y por eso, cada noche es mejor que EL MEJOR espectáculo de los fuegos artificiales del 4 de julio en los estado unidos. 

El sábado, fuimos al norte a San Sebastián donde pasamos unas horas en la playa tomando el sol. No entré el mar porque estaba muy frío. 

Ahora he regresado a Madrid y mañana es el último día de la segunda parte mis clases. Este fin de semana vamos a viajar al norte oeste, la región de Asturias. Chau!


This past weekend was the running of the bulls in Pamplona. It was quite a scene if you can imagine! Tons of flocks of people make the trip to an otherwise relatively quiet city for one full week of festivities and insane people who think it wise to run from 6-10 sharp horned animals that weigh close to a ton each. Needless to say I was NOT one of these insane people. 

Instead, I sat in the stadium to watch the end of the run as well as the live video shots that are fed into the stadium on two jumbotrons. The run only lasts two minutes, but then there is a vaquilla chase of sorts on the stadium floor. If you saw the picture or video, you can get the main gist of how that works. Luckily I only saw three people get completely KNOCKED OUT by a bull. It's hard to feel too bad for them considering the entire ordeal is completely voluntary. 

Each night there is a MASSIVE 20 minute fireworks show that is part of an international competition that takes place in Pamplona each year for the festival. The city park is packed with people watching and echoing their "ooooooohs" and "ahhhhhhhhs". 

We had a bit of a beach day that Saturday despite some cloudy weather. Overall it was an amazing weekend that I will never forget don't have much desire to repeat! Adios!

Friday, July 3, 2015

La vida universitaria

Pues ya se fueron mi esposa y familia y ahora estoy solo en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Por el mapa, puedes ver que la universidad está en el parte norte oeste de la ciudad. Afortunadamente, hay muchas paradas del metro y recibí un pase para el mes (todos los diamantes rojos son paradas de metro).

Aquí es mi cuarto. Es muy cómodo y grande! No tengo compañero de cuarto, gracias a Dios! Como puedes ver, ya está un poco sucio. Hay cafetería que nos sirve 3 comidas deliciosas cada día. 

Aquí es mi edificio de clases y una plaza. Mis clases empiezan a las 9 y terminan a la 1. Tengo dos clases cada mañana y duran casi dos horas. Después de solamente una semana, las dos clases terminan y voy a empezar dos otras clases. Para la primera semana, tomo una clase de la enseñanza de ELE (español como una lengua extranjera): la comprehensión y expresión oral y una clase de morfología. También hay clases de literatura pero este tópico no me interesa. Me apunté a todas las clases de enseñanza. 

Después de las clases hoy, fui con unos otros alumnos (y ahora amigos!) al centro de la ciudad para pasar un rato en un restaurante y el Parque de Retiro (en el sur este de el mapa). Aquí es una foto de un restaurante que se llama El Brillante. Sirven los mejores bocadillos de calamares en Madrid!

Para el fin de semana, mañana voy al gimnasio para hacer ejercicios y necesito lavar mi ropa! El domingo, voy a viajar a Segovia, un pueblo al norte de Madrid, con el programa. Chau!
Ok for the rests of my posts, I'm going to just write in my own words in English because sometimes things are too hard and time consuming to translate word-for-word so here we go! I really do hope some of y'all (MAINLY ANY OF MY STUDENTS WHO MIGHT BE READING THIS!!!!) are at least trying to glean a little bit of Spanish from above!

So now my wife has returned home (yes I got teary eyed but I maintained some Spanish machimismo and didn't full out CRY) and I am all alone on this antiquated continent. However, the transition to the university has been wonderful. As you saw on the map, the university is in the far north west corner of the city, so pretty far removed from all the hustle and bustle of the city center. This has its pros and cons. While it's a solid 15-20 minute metro ride into the city, the neighborhood we are in is not at all touristy and a lot more subdued. And yes, I received a month long metro pass which has already helped tremendously. 

The university is MASSIVE, but my building is a mere 20 minute walk downhill. The walk uphill in the sweltering afternoon heat is a different story! I've resisted taking the bus (also covered by metro pass) so far but who knows how long that will last. There is a lot of graffiti around the university of which I'd like to take some pictures and learn more. Apparently the political climate in Spain at the moment is shifting and the student populace doesn't like it. I've seen #sinmordazos (without gags) spray painted all over and I've heard it's a statement against some of the censorship the government is trying to pass. 

My classes are from 9-1 each morning, two a day at just under 2 hours each. I've signed up for all classes that concern the education and teaching of Spanish as opposed to their literary counterparts. I'm here to improve my profession first and foremost, I'll get the Spanish culture from living it!

So yea, this is only a loose translation from above, but I think the pictures do most of the story telling. I hope everyone out there is doing well.  PLEASE leave me a COMMENT! I'd love to hear from everyone who is supposedly reading this. I will do better with replying to y'all! Adios!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Adios Barcelona, Hola Madrid

(Please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom! I'd love to hear from whoever is actually reading this!)

Ayer dijimos "Adiós" a Barcelona y abordamos el tren a Madrid. Aquí son algunos fotos de nuestros días in Barcelona. 

La Sagrada Familia

La catedral diseñó por Gaudí era muy bonita. Espero que pueda regresar para verla cuando está terminado en 2026! Los colores adentro de la catedral eran muy brillantes y las columnas eran como los árboles de madera roja. 

La playa

La playa está cerca de el vecino que se llama Barceloneta. Había muchísimas personas por la playa y este vecino. No tomamos el sol porque no trajimos una sombrilla para mi esposa! Para almuerzo, comimos paella. Paella es un plato típico de mariscos en España. Tiene camarones, mejillones, almejas y arroz con azafrán. Nos sentamos en la terraza y relajamos mientras mirar otras personas. 

Conocí un amigo en el fuente mágico, se llama Henly! Le gustó mirar mis vídeos en mi celular. 

Al llegar en Madrid, visitamos al Palacio Real. Este es la foto única tengo porque no permiten las fotos adentro del palacio. 
También tengo fotos por mi cámara pero es difícil mover estas fotos para usar por mi blog. Hoy vamos al Rastro, un mercado abierto y este noche llegan mi papa y hermana! Chau
Yesterday we said goodbye to Barceloma and hello to Madrid! Here are some photos of our days in Barcelona. 

La Sagrada Familia is a cathedral designed by Gaudi. It is still under construction after 100s of years! I hope to see the finished product in 2026! The colors insider were bright and beautiful and the columns were like redwood trees. 

We also went to see the beach (Mediterranean Sea) near the neighborhood of Barceloneta. There were tons of people at the beach and in this area. We didn't lay out or go on the beach because we didn't bring an umbrella for Julia. For lunch we ate paella, a common seafood dish of Spain. It has shrimp, mussels, clams and rice with saffron. We sat on the terrace and people watched!

I made a new friend named Henly while we were at the magic fountain show. He liked watching videos on my phone. 

Upon arrival in Madrid we went to the Royal Palace. This is the only picture I have because they did not permit pictures inside. Generally I have more pictures on my camera but it's a bit difficult to transfer those pictures for this blog, especially considering all I have is my phone and iPad. Today we are going to El Rasteo flea market and then tonight my dad and sister arrive. Chau!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Ya estamos en España!

Mi esposa y yo ya estamos en España! Llegamos en Toledo el lunes a los 14:00 y fuimos al hotel por taxi. La ruta por las calles era muy peligrosa y nuestro conductor manejó como un loco! 

Después de poner nuestras cosas en el cuarto, fuimos a la catedral. Era muy maravillosa! Quizás no la agradecí tanto porque estaba muy cansado de nuestro vuelo!
También, había muchas tiendas de espadas! Aparentemente, muchos de los matadores insisten que sus espadas son hecho en Toledo. 

El próximo día, abordamos el tren y fuimos a Barcelona. Vamos a quedarnos en Barcelona por cuatro días, entonces compramos un pase del metro porque la ciudad es más grande que pensé!

Porque teníamos hambre, fuimos inmediamente a un bar de tapas. Comimos patatas bravas, el crujiente cola de buey con foie-gras y pan con tomate. 
Todos eran muy ricos, especialmente el crujiente! Luego, caminamos y entramos otros bares de tapas para probar otras tapas. Había mucha gente por las calles porque anoche era el solsticio de verano (la noche más corta del año). También, muchos jóvenes encendieron fuegos artificiales y petardos en las calles, entonces había mucho ruido, a veces que nos asustamos!

Hoy vamos a ver dos catedrales, comer paella y tal vez el museo de Picasso. Chau!

My wife and I are now in Spain! We arrived in Toledo on Monday at 2:00 pm and went to the hotel by taxi. The route through the streets was very dangerous and our driver drove like a maniac!

After putting our things in the room, we went to the cathedral. It was very marvelous! Maybe I didn't appreciate it so much because I was so tired from our flight. 

Also there were lots of sword stores! Apparently many of the Matadors insist that their swords are made in Toledo. 

The next day we boarded the train and went to Barcelona. We are going to stay in Barcelona for four days so we bought a metro pass. The city is much bigger than I thought!

Because we were hungry, we immediately went to a tapas bar. We ate fried potatoes with spicy sauce, crispy beef with foie-gras and bread with tomato. 

Everything was delicious, especially the crispy beef! Later we walked and entered other tapa bars in order to try other tapas. There were lots of people on the streets because last night was the summer solstice (the shortest night of the year). Also, lots of teenagers were lighting fireworks and firecrackers in the street. It was really noisy and sometimes scared us!

Today we are going to see two cathedrals, eat paella and maybe visit the Picasso museum! Chau!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Twitter and Mobile sync test

Oh and here's a pic from Star Wars night at Ole Miss baseball's Swayze Field!

School year coming to a close!

These last couple weeks are dragging on a bit but what a year! In my second year of giving the National Spanish Exam, I had three Spanish 1 and four Spanish 2 students score Honorable Mention on the NSE. I was extremely proud of their progress and performance not only on the NSE but in the class room as well. It is always bittersweet to say that last "Adios!" to my students before they leave for summer but I expect to have some of them back in my classroom again next year for Spanish 2.

Shout out to all my wonderful students! I know I say to this y'all every Friday before the weekend lets out but I mean it: Love y'all! Do good, be good! Make a positive impact on one other person's life this summer and please don't text and drive! I hope some of y'all will follow this blog in order to keep up with my adventures in Spain! Who knows???? Maybe I will include some potential EXTRA CREDIT OR BOLETOS for those of you who wind up with me for Spanish 2!

All of the exams are over but teachers still have one full week of professional development days in order to make up the "snow" days we had back in February. YUCK! Hopefully I will be able to pass the time prepping my classroom and lessons for the next school year. I also plan to do some more research on what activities my wife and I will do while we are in Spain!

As for my preparations for Spain thus far, my wife and I have already booked our hotels in Toledo and Barcelona for our 10 day vacation in Spain before my classes start. We are extremely excited! My dad and sister will also be meeting up with us on the tail end of their vacation to Ireland. Why not? They are already across the Atlantic!

For the first two of three weeks I'll have off before heading to Madrid, I plan to do what most who know me would expect me to do while my wife is working: play lots of video games and hang out by the pool! I also plan to go to Holly Springs HS to observe some of the summer school program of the Mississippi Teacher Corps. As an alumnus of the program, I helped train incoming members on classroom management and lesson planning for the past two summers. I hate I can't do it again but I'll be too busy doing some studying of my own in Madrid! For the last week before we fly out, my wife and I will head to Gulf Shores, Alabama for a big family beach trip! 

That's all for now! If you are a friend, family, coworker or student, please be sure to leave me any comments and pass the blog ling along to those who might be interested in Señor's Spain extravaganza! Chau!

Friday, April 3, 2015

National Spanish Exam results! Super orgulloso!

We took the National Spanish Exam yesterday and I am EXTREMELY proud of my students' results! Because of my teaching style of TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling), it is common for my students to score lower on the achievement section (vocab/grammar) than the proficiency (reading/listening). Last year I had six Spanish 1 students receive honorable mentions. A lot will depend on how the curves come back when all of the scores nationwide are submitted, but I feel very confident that I will have as many, if not more, awards to give out this year!

My Spanish 2 students did well also. I'm not sure how it will all shake down because this was my first year giving the level 2 test, but I'm hoping at least six of the 32 students that took the exam will receive some sort of recognition.

Felicidades a mis estudiantes!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Scholarship Recipient Reaction!!!!!

AHHHHH!!  I just got off the phone with Mr. Kevin Cessna and he told me the news....I have been selected as a recipient for the scholarship to Spain!

One of our secretaries buzzed my room (luckily during my planning period) and said I had a phone call waiting in the office. I was hoping to hear the news about the decision today and thought "OH LAWDY! This might be it!"

I rushed to the office and talked to Mr. Cessna. During the entirety of the conversation, my heart was racing non-stop and I had to take a moment to compose myself! He gave me the choice between Costa Rica and Spain because I applied for both. Well, considering I've been to Costa Rica twice now with a planned student trip next summer, I've chosen Spain as my destination!

I have only been to Spain once in my life and it wasn't the best experience. Granted it was a short stay with my friend who did not have vacation money to spend, so I don't think I was able to experience everything that the country has to offer. Hopefully this experience will completely revolutionize my notions on Spain and help me to further appreciate the roots of the language I love.

Thank you....

Dr. John Gutierrez for his gleaming recommendation letter. He is one the most influential and motivational educators under which I have had the pleasure of learning!

Loidha Bautista, my Spanish teacher co-worker. If it wasn't for her convincing, I might not have started administering the National Spanish Exam which has pushed me and my students to a new level of Spanish education and learning.

Samantha Bercera Zita, my dearest friend from my study abroad experience in Querétaro, Mexico and doctoral candidate of language studies in France. She convinced me to pursue graduate work in the languages and helped proof my application essay.

My family, friends and wife. Without their support, I would have been even more of a nervous wreck waiting for the decision to finally come!

The selection committee. It is truly an honor to be selected for this opportunity and I ensure you I will serve and represent the National Spanish Exam and the AATSP well!

See y'all in España!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Finalist Video post

       My finalist video submission for the NSE Study Abroad Scholarship to Spain or Costa Rica.

Classroom photo and courses

During the 2014-2015 school year, I am a teacher at Lafayette High School in Oxford, MS. I teach four sections of Spanish 1 and two sections of Spanish 2. This year I have a total of 116 students, 76 in level 1 and 40 in level 2. Of those students, 46 are taking the level 1 NSE and 32 are taking level 2.

In this Spanish 1 class, I am introducing the mini-cuento vocabulary for the next segment of stories to be told through my teaching style/method, Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling  (TPRS). This has only been my 2nd year of teaching with TPRS and I am learning new strategies and ways to improve each and every day!

The Spanish Swag Meter to the left is a classroom management tool I use in order to promote participation and creativity. Each class's meter can move up or down based on the class's level of being on task, participating, and keeping our classroom stories fun and lively by providing creative answers! (The meter was not active on this day because of a shortened school day due to inclement weather!)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Finalist post!

My name is Scotty Jimenez, and I am a finalist for the National Spanish Exam Teacher Study Abroad Scholarship in Spain or Costa Rica.

Here's a picture of me and my lovely wife Julia. We have been married almost 5 years.

Here's a picture of me in my classroom with some vocabulary homework! Super excited about this opportunity!